Sunday, February 1, 2009

First Post

This is the first post of my new blog. Right now I am starting to analyze the market and look for some new opportunities, both long and short term. I will right a post later discussing my outlook for the market, commodities, gold, and a few other things I am adding to my watch list such as Real Estate Investment Trust, Oil Royalty Trust, Canadian Energy Trust, and some different currencies. Some of these new investments will be aimed at providing a steady income during the impending rise of oil in the next few years as global supply peaks and at the maintenance of consumer purchasing power over the next several years as we have rapid inflation and a falling U.S. dollar. I will discuss some of these topics in more depth in future post.

I'll leave you with a great video. This is Peter Schiff, economic advisor to Ron Paul during his presidential campaign. He was right about the entire economic collapse. I think people better start listening to him and Ron Paul. All these stimulus packages the government is setting up is just like putting a band-aid on a severed leg. All it is going to do is slow the bleeding and make things worse in the end. I will talk about this more in the future as well. Have a good day.

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